Love = Heart
NANA creations.
Friday, January 20, 2012


For quite a while since the last time i actually write something on a blog. Well, let me tell you something... I realise that having this new blog (nextlifeofmine) doesn't really have any effect rather have a boring impact on me. Compare to the previous blog page i had (shortyzweirdoworld) it was more interesting and colourful. I guess, that you will be seeing me more on that page instead. I guess this is just a decoy... hahaha... Love me...

Love will never change one bit.

Love = Heart @2:18 AM;

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The last that i wrote was nearly a year ago. Life has it's ups and downs. I did lost somewhere in town. However, Alhamdulillah. I have been driving through a road that has a wonderful scenery with it's gloomy weather every now and then.

I have a new job, a new life and a new beginning to begin with. With what that has happened to me, I felt like i've learnt alot more things in life. Do not take things for granted and always remember that whatever that has been given will be gone in a blink of an eye if not taken care of properly. HE who gave can take it away.

Love = Heart @10:28 PM;

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The last i wrote in this lovely blog of mine was on November 18th. Today is 22 December 2010. 8 more days to the end of the year for 2010. And here comes 2011. 2010 has been yet another challenging year after all. There are much to be remembered and much more to be learn. There are no specific lesson that i can describe on how life mystery unfolds itself. You may not understand a word i say but when you are in my shoes, you probably learn to understand what my language be hold.

I can never really understand myself until i look at things with my heart not with my mind nor my eyes; Eyes look at its visibility, Mind looks at it as an object and it's ability while Heart looks beyond all that and as something worth to looking at.

I would like to share somethings if HE let me share with you all for my journey (some of them) is worth listening... Or perhaps... hahhaa...

Love = Heart @4:11 PM;

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Due to some technical faults,my computer has been rebo0t-ed!! Therefore, there are some informations for this blog but unfortunately, i can't retrieve it. So0 that's why it has some missing 'linkages'.... If you can help me...Please leave a msg at my Facebook page... ....thank you!!!

Love = Heart @4:02 AM;

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

I wanted to Thank someone for giving me an inspiring comment (i take it as inspiring). I really appreciate it, You know who you are *smileyz*...I also appreciate for the effort made by my cousin. Thank You...

Appreciation is a gesture everyone should have and being sincerely in appreciating it. Whatever someone has done for you, don't forget to say 'thank you...No matter how big or how small the things that they have done for you to make your life easier or to try and help you with whatever situation you are in. No matter if what they have done benefits you or not. A little 'thank you' will do everything.There isn't the need for you to buy them a huge boat that they have been wanting or evern do something real big like a surprise party. All that need is a 'Thank you' from you. So0, whatever and whoever they are and what they have done for you, don't forget to say thank you and appreciates their effort with you most sincere gesture... :D

I have something interesting to share, after reading the comment i did something that i should have done for so0 long ago... -->> reading my old blog (

While i was reading the posts, i felt like i was reading someone else's blog. NOT SAYING that I am GOOD but, it's like, it is AMAZING. I didn't really know that i could write all those kinds of posts. Again i repeat, not saying that i am go0d but I'm just amazed.To the rest of you, it would be another lame blog post by some lame girl/person. To me, it is a reflection of me of how i have evolved from being just a kid to an adult. In seeing myself, how i see the things in life my way. It is pretty SurPriSing!!!

However, I have decided to post some of the chosen posts over in my new blog. In the meantime, i am reading all the posts and choosing the appropriate ones that i wanted to share. I will link and give the details of where the post is taken from and if the rest of you are interested in reading the other posts.

So0 do enjoy reading...It's going to take awhile cause I will be 'adapting' posts from 2008 to 2006...Bear with me... I may not or may be in between of the process there will be current/presents post... Until then, thank you and i do appreciate your time reading my blog... Thank you!!!

Love = Heart @4:58 AM;

Monday, October 25, 2010

I have been thinking alot and I end up to be confused and couldn't figured out what I was actually thinking. Have you ever been to this state of a point where you don't know what were you thinking and you were at peace but when you remembered what it were you began stressing your way through????

Particularly, i am at that state and I need some fresh air. Initially, it wasn't that bad but when it all comes in a bunch,all i can think about is the pros and cons of the situation. At times I can be really confused and wouldn't know which way to go and I might just ended up sitting at the same place over and over again. I can cry just thinking about it.

People keeps saying not to think to0 much and I would even give the same advise of which i myself sometimes couldn't even follow. It's not that i don't want to but at times they just give the need to have me thinking. It's suck cause, once i think...It can goes on and on and on and on... Not that i am doing nothing about it but because it involves other party and i am not in the power to ask for opinion from the direct party. So0 i can only think about the positive as well as the negative respond given along with the impacts each can make...In other words, I am sitting in the middle thinking about things 'will be' - 'will not';'may be' - 'may not';'can' - 'cannot'... etc....

I do need guidance and I need fresh air and a peace for my mind... Please Help me Allah...

Love = Heart @5:20 AM;

Thursday, October 21, 2010

It has been quite sometime since i actually write a blog not concerning about my everyday life. Or events that happened to me. My previous blog were usually about 'Life' as i see it. I don't know when was the last time i ever wrote it. I really miss that. It makes me realise alot more than i could imagine. In other words, i learnt something out of it. What happened???
From now onwards, im sure my blog will be packed with randomness of small little thingy of what i called LIFE as I know it... Nothing to do with the movie either... However, gratitude to the person who made me realise what i have left behind... Not a copy cat...Like i said, LEFT BEHIND... I jst need to start off the engines and get going... Just need some inspirations... :D

Love = Heart @11:19 AM;


MoMeNtS t0 sHaRe :- ReAd & EnJoY


*tHe NaMe iS HaJaR/hAiMin

*sHoRt & SwEeT

*A pRiNcEsS aWaIts ThE tImE t0 bE w hEr PrInCe

*I aM jUsT a GiRl DaT l0VeS hEr LiFe, Th0uGh It'S TOUGH!


KeKaNdA pUjAaN



DrAmA sErIeS






a TiArA

tRaVeL t0 sWiTzErLaNd

DrIvE aLl NiGhT

bE a SuPeRm0DeL


GuCcI sHaDes

M.A.C cOsMeTiCs

LeViS jEaNs

dAnCe lIkE a SwAn

AdVeNtUrEs AwAy

AmErIcAn MuScLe

HaRlEy DaViDsOn



Kids who act as ho0ligans




Vainity Exits Y


Vain Talks Y

Cbox Codes
careful not to mess with the width.

Credits Y

Designer: NANA

Image From:Deviantart

Image: Edited By NANA
Image hosted by : ImagesHack